Looking forward to hearing from you.

I'm always looking to collaborate or discuss new ideas. You can reach me at barnes.darin@gmail.com and follow me on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Behance.

From architecture to UX

Throughout architecture school, I was always interested in the narrative aspect of architectural spaces. How could the experience of Person A differ from (or be the same as) Person B, and how could their experiences overlap? As I continued on into the professional world, I still remained very interested in the experiential aspect of architecture; however, my desire to develop architectural details began to fade, despite my strong appreciation for them.

Realizing that I still had a strong interest in visually communicating spaces and designs, I decided to shift my professional focus to architectural graphic design. I loved all aspects of this new role: creating presentation boards and books, developing architectural diagrams and establishing new marketing packages. Though this was absolutely the best career move I could have made, I still missed one aspect from my architectural background: designing an experience.

User Experience Design was the next logical step in my career path. It was the perfect blend of designing and communicating (digital) spaces, with the added ability to quickly adapt designs based on user feedback. It also allowed me to view my architectural background with a new lens, leading me to explore how digital experiences can engage users beyond their screens.

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